7 Benefits of walking every day you need to know

We all know that walking is great exercise, as we have been told by doctors, but I’ll break it down to let you know just how good it is.

Do you struggle with how to begin or why it’s even worth walking on a daily basis? I have never been a fan of the gym, so walking was always the best form of exercise for me, and it’s free.

Below are just some of the health benefits you probably didn’t know about:

The cheapest form of exercise

It’s great exercise, of course, but it’s also known to reduce body fat and aid weight loss. Walking can increase your cardiovascular health (that’s the heart and the blood vessels to you and me) and can lower your cholesterol.

Feel the need for speed

Going for a stroll in the park on warm summer’s day can be lovely but did you know, having a brisk walk can help you build endurance and stamina? Walking at a fast pace increases your heart rate and, overall, improves your heart health.

Decrease your risk of heart disease 

Walking can reduce not only your risk of heart disease, but also type 2 diabetes and can lower your risk of early death by up to 30%. Try and aim to walk at least 10,000 steps a day, which you can easily do by moving for 5 minutes each hour.

Feeling “over the hill”?

It’s been proven by medical professionals that walking among older adults can actually lower your risk of falling. It’s no wonder walking has become very popular in recent years, with many of us taking up walking as our favourite form of exercise.

And I’m feeling good...

Walking releases natural endorphins (the brain’s natural painkiller) so by taking a brisk walk, you can improve your mood and help your mental health at the same time. By walking every day, you increase your overall health and wellbeing too.

A sleeping beauty in all of us

By taking one-hour walks every day, women aged 50–75 are more likely to sleep better and longer than those who don’t. If ever there was an excuse to hit your snooze button more than once, this is it!

If you think you would give it a try but are worried about your health, speak to your doctor. As you can see, there are so many benefits to walking, but if you wish to read more for yourself, check out the links below.


